e-Learning Assignments & Learning Rooms
Off- Week Short /i/ Packet
Hello and Welcome to my e-Learning Page:)
Check out the daily interactive calendar slides. Each slide has songs and interactive activities!
Reading - Ready GEN Unit 1 Stellaluna
Click here to listen to the story.
Click here to view Frog and Toad:Dragons & Giants
Click here to listen to Frog and Toad:Dragons & Giants
Spelling Words:
fix fixes class classes wish wishes kiss kisses bus busses
bring trunk pink bank sang wing rink blank rang sunk
my try lucky silly by handy sunny fly cry puppy
like dime smile ice huge cute use hope those joke
face made age safe take make cage cake late name
ship fish then shut with rush shell shop trash thin
just dust must hunt crust bump jump trust lump dusk
bed men red step ten net leg wet jet sled
nap naps sit sits win wins fit fits hit hits
mom hot hop pot pop ox lock mop got rock
in it did sit six fix lip mix pin wig
at can cat back dad am bat mad ran sack
High Frequency Words:
away car friends house our school very
any enough were sure ever every own
always nothing becomes things day stays everything
be could horse of old paper
work water under food around grow find
catch good no put said want
home into many them
saw your small tree
eat four five her this too
blue from use help little get
up take she what
my on way in come
Phonics Fun Learning Room- Practice letter sounds, short a, and short i
bat/drum poster to help distinguish b from d!
bat and ball
drum and stick
Social Studies
Bat Booklet