Referendum Press Release

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Dennis Township School District
Budget Statement for Press Release

At the Dennis Township Board of Education’s regular meeting and Public Hearing held July 18, 2024, the Board adopted a $16,199,265 budget for general funds.  This budget requests from tax payers a levy of $12,299,602 to support minimal programs and services.  The Board and Administration acknowledge that this budget is no longer thorough and efficient and lacks the necessary supports for our students, staff and community.  Therefore, the taxpayers are requested to consider a $2,200,000 referendum on September 17, 2024.

This referendum will provide the following:

  1. Staffing of one teacher per each grade level K-8.  Restoration of one teacher per grade level will return class sizes to approximately 20-25, down from the current levels of 30-35 in K-5.

  2. Basic Skills support to address the learning loss our students are still experiencing, now due to larger class sizes, along with the continued impact from the pandemic. This will also maintain instructional support services.

  3. Replacement of outdated technology devices. These devices are integral in the day to day learning and crucial to the successful state testing.  Also included are instructional classroom supplies to support the instructional practices and curriculum of the district.

  4. Transportation Services, including a replacement bus. The replacement bus in vital to continue the same level of services the community depends upon to ensure their students arrive to school safely and on time.  This also includes after school activity transportation costs.

  5. Co-Curricular activities which includes sports and clubs. The district has been awarded several grants throughout the past several years to support some of these activities, but not all.  Without a successful referendum, the students will not have any after school programming which is vital to their overall well-being. The district is in the process of developing a participation fee program to fund activities.

  6. Funds for maintenance of our schools. Critical projects remain unfunded such as a roof replacement, septic bed renovation, boiler replacement and so forth.  The District administration has been successful in obtaining grants for many projects, however, start up costs and board contributions are typically required.  These funds will help provide support as the District continues to seek grants for their major projects.

  7. Funds to maintain a security guard at each school. Currently level of funding only provides for one security guard.

The schools are a vital part of the Dennis Township Community.  Our success in providing your students the quality education they deserve impacts the community in a multitude of ways.  Successful schools are integral to the property values of the community.  The school is the main point where families and children interact and learn from each other to become better members of society.  Continued engagement of the students with the community means increased civic participation and this leads the community’s well-being.  Education is a valuable resource for all the residents of Dennis Township.  This is an investment in Dennis Township’s future.

We are in this position  due the loss of state aid. This loss is over 4 million dollars.  It is important to note that the 2024-2025 budget of $16,199,265 is less than the 2018-2019 budget of $16,730,293.  With costs increasing in every aspect, this is a feat to even present a balanced budget.  Difficult decisions have been made through the past several years.  The District is now at this crossroads

Please vote on September 17, 2024.