Summer EBT

- The SummerEBT benefit is a one time payment of $120.00 for each student that qualifies. During the summer you will receive an EBT card from the state to use at grocery stores to purchase food during the summer. Towards the end of the school year, you will receive a letter from the school stating whether your child(ren) have qualified for SummerEBT benefits. To not miss out on this benefit, it is extremely important that the school has your correct mailing address. You may update your mailing address through the Parent Portal, contact the front office or Jennifer Hunter at 609-861-2821 ext 528 or [email protected] to confirm the mailing address is correct.
- To qualify for SummerEBT your family must be approved for free or reduced school meals either by:
- Direct Certification from the State of New Jersey;
- Approved for Federally Free or Reduced Meals by completing a school meal application (does not include families approved by NJEIE guidelines);
- Medicaid Eligibility from the State of New Jersey (not all children will receive SummerEBT benefits if they receive Medicaid).
If you have any questions please visit the above link to the state's website, or contact Jennifer Hunter at 609-861-2821 ext 528 or [email protected].