Virtual Day: 1/7/2022

Hello Everyone!  I hope you have a fun weekend in the snow!  For our art assignments, Pre-K and Kindergarten will make a "Crazy Animal", think of two different animals and put them together to make one new animal!  For example: Crab + Rabbit = Crabbit.  If you need it, there is a "Crazy Animal" lesson plan posted on my "Art Assignments" page.
First and Second Grades will think of six ideas for drawings on our kindness quilts.  Fold a piece of paper to make small squares, then use the front and back of the paper to make small drawings inside the squares.  Think of places or things that make you feel happy; bring your ideas to class next week.
For all assignments students may use any art materials that they like and have available at home: crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.