Attention All 100% Remote Learning Only Students:

Materials for ALL 100% REMOTE LEARNING STUDENTS will be available for pick up at the school they attend between Wednesday, September 9 through Friday, September 11 from 10 AM until 3:00 PM.

Please call the office when you arrive and a secretary will bring out the materials for your student. Primary school students in Grades PreK-2 call 609-861-2821 ext 102. Elementary/Middle school students in Grades 3-8 call 609-861-2821 ext 500.

If your student does NOT have access to a device with internet access at home, please complete and submit the DEVICE SIGN OUT FORM located on the E-LEARNING page on our district website and member of our Technology Department will contact you to make arrangements.
*NOTE - If you are in need of a device and you have already submitted this form, you do NOT need to submit again.  A member of our Technology Department will be contacting you by phone to discuss.